Phrase as a unit of speech in Azerbaijani
Ismayil KazimovDOI:
Date: 20 December 2023
Phrases are formally regulated units of speech that are not subject to certain rules. Phrase appears as a result of speech act in modern Azerbaijani language. Phrase arises from the grouping of sentence components and corresponds to the sentence by (according to) segment. The organization of phrase mechanism is formed in the presence of supersegment means (intonation and word order). The general aspect that unites the types of phrase in the article based their expression of emotionality feature. Thus, the most different types of phrase appear in speech. A characteristic feature of phrase, that is, their reaction, being a speech stimulus is a main aspect of speech. Phrases are divided into different types according to their structural-semantic and logical-pragmatic aspects. Certain originality and differences from each others are observed in their structure and meaning. Research show that phrase is the smallest actual unit of speaking in communication.
functional-communicative syntax, speech unit, phrase, function of phrase, conceptual-functional perspective