Publications ethics

“Teaching of Azerbaijani language and literature” states that it provides high ethical publishing standards and will be completely impartial to all authors. The journal expects reviewers to maintain the same standards.


Peer Review Process

The process of peer review is carried out in the following form: 

After the article is received by the editorial office, it is checked whether it complies with the opinion process. For this purpose, the editorial office conducts the first inspection of the article for antiplagiarism, and checks whether the manuscript was prepared in accordance with the requirements and scope of the journal. Manuscripts that do not meet these criteria, as well as scientifically weak manuscripts, are not sent to the review process and are not published in the journal. The manuscript is initially reviewed by the editorial board and submitted to the journal's editorial staff or two qualified external reviewers for review in the form of a "double-blind peer review" process. The editorial office receives comments from reviewers, also possible within 7-10 working days. Comments submitted by reviewers are considered in the editorial office and the authors are given one of the following recommendations:

- The article is fully suitable for publication;

The article needs to be corrected;

Not printed.

The article is fully complies with the publication: The editorial board conducts final inspections to ensure that the manuscript complies with the publishing policies of journal.

The article needs to be corrected: The author is informed that he must re-submit a new version of the manuscript with the necessary changes proposed.

Not published: If the article is not considered suitable for publication, the author is sent an opinion report and substantiated that the manuscript will not be considered for publication in the journal.

Open-Access Statement

"Teaching of Azerbaijani language and literature" is a Open Access scientific-methodical journal based on the principle of free presentation of research works to the public and support for a wider and global exchange of knowledge. Access to the full texts of scientific articles is available in the “Archives” section of the journal's official website ( All articles in the journal are published under the terms of the CC BY-NC 4.0 Deed (Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-4.0


The principle of justice

Editors evaluate manuscripts for their intellectual content, regardless of race, gender, religion, citizenship, or political activity.

Originality and plagiarism

Authors must write and send a completely original article to the editorial office.

Plagiarized articles are not accepted by the editors.

Plagiarism takes many forms: the author presents article of other person as own article, the other tries to copy or express important parts of other's article (without reference), misappropriates the results of research conducted by others, and so on. Plagiarism in all its forms is considered unethical and its use is unacceptable.



It is unethical to submit manuscripts to a journal that have been previously published or sent to another periodic publication. All articles are published and shared under the terms of the 

CC BY-NC 4.0 Deed (Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-4.0, which allows unlimited use, provided that they are not used for commercial purposes and are quoted correctly from the original.


Privacy Statement

The editor and any editorial staff must not disclose any information about a submitted manuscript to anyone other than the corresponding author, reviewers, potential reviewers, other editorial advisers, and the publisher, as appropriate. Manuscripts received by the editorial office should be considered confidential. These should not be shown or discussed without the permission of the editor.

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.

Disclosure and conflict of interest

Reviewers and editors are required to declare any and all potential conflicts of interest. Reviewers should not consider manuscripts in which they have conflicts of interest resulting from competitive, collaborative, or other relationships or connections with any of the authors, companies, or institutions connected to the papers.


Authors should confirm the following when submitting an article to the editors:

 - Submitted manuscripts must be the original work of the author(s);

 - Only unpublished manuscripts should be submitted;

 - It is unethical to submit a manuscript to more than one journal at the same time;

 - Conflicts of interest should be clearly articulated;

 - The sources of information used in the preparation of the manuscript should be noted.


Reviewers must confirm the followings:

- All manuscripts, regardless of the author's (s) gender, race, religion, citizenship, and political views, should be considered fairly based on the intellectual content of the article;

- Conflicts of interest observed during the review process should be reported to the editor;

All information about the manuscript must be kept confidential;

- Any information that may lead to the refusal to publish the manuscript should be communicated to the editor.

The editors of the journal must confirm the following:

 - All manuscripts should be judged fairly, based on the intellectual content of the article, regardless of the authors' gender, race, religion, citizenship or political opinion;

 - Manuscripts should be kept confidential;

 - Controversies of interest over manuscripts should be disclosed.