New system of generalization lessons in the Azerbaijani language: theory and practical conversations
Aynur ShelemanovaDOI:
Date: 23 January 2024
Generalization is a philosophical category. It is a method of teaching as well as a method of scientific research. Generalization is the inclusion of specific cases, factual materials in a generalization. In this way, individual scientific concepts can be expressed in a broader sense. General concepts become classifications. For example, such as speech events, sentences, literature, and so on. They are divided into types, types, etc. There are many concepts in scientific research. The result part consists of generalizations. Proverbs, parables, sayings are generalizations. The teaching process is the discovery of the secrets of science. Adjectives depend on color, taste, quality, volume, etc. reports. Synthetically expressing the main features of speech training is an example of generalization. The most important task is to teach students this skill. The article deals with this issue.
general training, types of work, independent work, training methods, generalization of topics